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Good to the Last Drop
Apparently draining the last dribble
from the squeezable
Plastic Head & Shoulders shampoo bottle,
a sporadic blue snake spit-sputter-spats
into a paltry palm puddle.
Hammering a ten-second pounding
yields palm pain and one more drop.
Then I snap shut the lid,
turn the bottle upside down
and perch it in a headstand
on the bathtub edge.
During the day,
clinging shampoo residue looses its grip
and oozes down into the cap.
For two more mornings
shampoo magically appears that
refused to participate the day before.
This effort
works with Afta Pre-Electric Shave
and Equate moisturizing lotion, too,
making me wonder-
How many extra days of other things
could I have gained
by being slightly innovative
and trying a little harder?
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